Archive for June, 2009


When Do you Write?

Last week, at the Creative Writing Workshop through Barnes and Nobles in Greece, one question that popped up through out the night was ‘when do you write?’. The group is from all genres and writing levels. One was getting back into writing after a twenty year break while others were just finding their groove.
Some say in the morning after cleaning, going to Barnes and Nobles three times a week, or in the car while driving… it comes down to when we all have time throughout our busy day. Personally, I used to write before bed, but life has put a stop to that, now I am trying a new routine.
Stephen King wrote contracted work in the morning and for fun in the afternoon. It was the fun piece that he first sold well. So if you can commit yourself to writing all day long, do it. Find your groove.
If you have to buy a package of white paper napkins for paper, hide yourself in a single lite room with a table and typewriter, or upside down on a lounge chair by the pool just do it. The sky’s the limit as long as we write. Because you never know what you have until you read it on paper, or a computer screen.



Several years ago, I wrote two manuscripts that have everything plus the kitchen sink shoved into it’s pretty pages. Last year I decided to get up from my chair and hit some writer’s group to see if I have something worth continuing.
Well, well, well… I have found a new world of trade. And learnt so much that my head is now spinning. Now I know I am not really a plotter, more a pantser. And to top it off, I have to write to get to the answer why? The characters demand surprise.
In the last year, I have started four stories and all are in varies stages of completion. The problem is in my head I have already figured out why it has happen and the stories hold no appeal to me now. This is the frustrating part of writing. When you learn just enough to question your every word, and lose what you were wanting to write.
Now, I am working on a balance. My new approach is to let it rip and then pick up the pieces when it’s over. Maybe then I could complete something and have my ahhhh moment.

June 2009


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